Thursday, May 22, 2008

Thursday: May 22nd

Today seemed like only a half a day at Murphy Brothers Tree Service Inc. We started at 7:00 am and ended at 3:00pm instead of 5:30pm like it has been the last few days. What a great feeling it was! We had our full four man crew back, Kevin who is the owner and tree expert, Linus who is also known as “Ali” is other owner and head of all personal relations, Steve who is a chipper technician and ground worker, and myself, the intern. Today we were back up in Hampton, NH to a large limb removal over a tree and house. That was our first job. I was introduced to yet another new lowering system called a speed line. I have never seen anything like it before. The best way to describe it is like a zip line. All it consists of if a rope, sling, and a carabineer. Kevin would make a cut, and the branches would zip right down the rope, over the pool and right to the end of the chipper. I was very impressed with this lowering devise. The second job we did was the cut back of all limbs hanging low and growing into the owner’s house. We went right around the property and lightened things up real nice. Tomorrow, I will conclude my project my putting together all my goals and see how well I achieved them. I will be doing all the driving, bucket truck operation and climbing. I am going to have to be on top of my game tomorrow in order for the Murphy Brothers to write me a good end of project evaluation.


Anonymous said...

you had to show everyone the one picture of a branch that hit the edge of the pool.

Anonymous said...

Tommorrow is the real test. You will be running Murphy Brothers with out any Murphy Brothers. Good luck, be proffesional from start to finish.You have all our trust. Thanks for the great 3 weeks! We appreciated ALL your hard work and dedication to our company and to your senior project.There is definatly an opening at our company for you full time Thank you Dennis!
K. Murphy